Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Babymouse: Queen of the World- Her Imagainations

Babymouse has many different flashbacks and daydreams in this book. Some say this is what makes it funny. One daydream she had was Babymouse vs The Squid.She is daydreaming about monster movies and a squid just happen to pop in her head. In all of her books she seems to get late to class. In this case, that is her destraction. Some of her hilusinations come fromm her locker. Apperently the squid did too. Babymouse really needs to change her locker, it may go isane one day!
Another daydream Babymouse had was when she was wondering if she would get invited to Felica Ferrypaw's slumber party. Babymouse is sopose to be Cinderella and Felica is the evil step-sister. Then Wilson came as the "God Weasel". In the end, poor Babymouse had to pull the carrige (which was a bannana) for Felica.
One other daydream she had in this book, Babymouse was trying to get an invite to the party. She was a Captin, and Wilson was the pilot. Then the bell rang and Babymouse was once again, late for class.
Yet another daydream she had was when she was at the party, and she was in the movie "Frankenstein". Wilson was Dr. Weaslelstein and her little brother as Squeakor and lastly the monster was Felica.

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